Rapid Bike Evo Exclusive Ecu Kit Honda Crf 1000 L Africa Twin 2017

RAPID BIKE EVO EXCLUSIVE ECU KIT HONDA CRF 1000 L AFRICA TWIN 2017. RAPID BIKE EVO EXCLUSIVE KIT. Control unit complete with specific wiring for your motorcycle model. Evolution of the technology and experience gained with the Rapid Bike 1, 2 and 3, EVO is an additional control unit that is interposed between the original ECU and the injectors. It combines outstanding performance with an astonishing simplicity of use thanks to the self-adaptation function: Rapid Bike EVO does not require additional modules to achieve this function, since it includes this management inside. The objective of this application is the « total injection control », that is the complete control of the carburation through the management of all the injectors (up to eight) and the lambda probes. Rapid Bike EVO allows to intervene on the injection times (range from -100% to + 150% with respect to the original parameters) and on the petrol / air ratio relative to the carburation itself. The self-adaptive function manages the carburation automatically through the self-processing of a correction map which adds up algebraically – when the motorcycle is used – to the set map. This allows to further improve the setup carried out by Rapid Bike EVO in order to offer the best performance. The auto-processing is set in multipoint technology for combinations of rpm (rpm) and throttle opening (tps), throughout the engine’s operating range, even beyond the original limiter (where managed). The graph shows the progressive improvement from map to 0 (red line), after 50 km (green line) and after 200 km (brown line). Other exclusive features are the movement of the engine speed limiter (up to + 1,000 rpm) and the elimination of the speed limiter. RapidBike EVO also supports the management of multiple maps, ie the possibility of setting and activating two sets of injection maps with different self-adaptive settings to « change the carburation » with a switch. On twin-cylinder motorbikes it is possible to create a map and a specific self-correction set for each cylinder in order to further improve engine performance. By means of the software downloadable directly from the site, through the USB interface provided, the motorcyclist will be able to create his own maps and set new self-adaptive criteria whenever he deems it appropriate, in order to obtain the desired performance. The control and adjustment of the injection system with a single control unit, the RB EVO, which acts simultaneously on the injection values and on the lambda probe signal, maintaining performance over time. Management of up to 8 injectors with the possibility of reaching up to 150% more and 100% less in the injection time. Lambda probe signal modulation according to the injection map (integrated RB-O2). Electronic gearbox management with Cutt-off times that can be modified based on the number of revolutions and gear position. Advanced map management based on the gear engaged up to the injector position. Change of set of maps while driving from selector to handlebar. Customizable maps with 320 useful intervention points and rpm values with 50rpm steps. Gear change position signal management to eliminate speed limiter. Advanced functions in map management according to the gear change position. Relative self-adaptation for map correction in timed steps and ranges. CAN line for interactions with peripherals and reading of motor operating parameters. Completely waterproof wiring with original connectors. Compatibility with the accessories present including Tuning Bike and Dyno link. Die-cast aluminum alloy case. 12v dc power supply. It is included in the package. Rapid Bike Evo control unit. Specific waterproof wiring for installation. Differences between Rapid Bike EVO and EVO EXCLUSIVE. The USB cable is instead included in the Rapid Bike Evo / Racing kit. Differences between Rapid Bike RACING and EVO. The Racing ECU manages all the parameters of the Evo ECU, but in addition it has the possibility of managing the advances (depending on the models) and other parameters related to driving on the track. Furthermore, together with the use of the You Tune control unit, it allows the activation of the Tr functions. The picture is only indicative. Pagamento in contrassegno: E’previsto per alcuni articoli. La scelta del corriere è a discrezione del cliente che può indicare liberamente il vettore che intende utilizzare, la merce è a disposizione presso la sede WRS. Al fine di migliorare il servizio la WRS è convenzionata con i seguenti spedizionieri. Corriere espresso consegna in. L’assicurazione del pacco è facoltativa, nel caso non fosse richiesta, il venditore non si assumerà responsabilità per lo smarrimento o il danneggiamento del pacco stesso. Il pacco viaggerà sotto la responsabilità dell’acquirente e il venditore sarà liberato da ogni obbligo dal momento della consegna al corriere. 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- Numéro de pièce fabricant: KRBEVO-123A-EX_2870
- Marque: Rapid Bike